
Ex-Templo San Agustin

Churches of Zacatecas

One of my favorite things to do when visiting cities and towns in Mexico is to visit churches. I love the older, colonial churches with their varied ...

Iglesia de Santo Domingo From Above

Iglesia de Santo Domingo, Zacatecas

The Igelsia Santo Domingo is a beautiful church located in Zacatecas, Mexico. Constructed in just three years, from 1746-49, the church was ...

Paintings in Museo Guadalupe

Museo Galería Virreinal de Guadalupe

During my July, 2013 trip to Zacatecas, I wanted to visit to the Museum of Guadalupe. The museum is in the municipality of Guadalupe, just ...

Panteón de Dolores, Jerez

A Visit to the Panteón de Dolores in Jerez, Zacatecas

In July 2013, I visited the Mexican city of Zacatecas. While there, I took a day trip to the city of Jerez De García Salinas. Jerez is one of ...

Teleferico, Cerro de la Bufa, and Zacatecas

Mina El Eden and a Ride on the Teleferico

In July, 2013, I visted the city of Zacatecas, Mexico, with my wife. Zacatecas has many things to draw tourists, including the opportunity to ...

VW Bug on Jerez Street

A Daytrip to Jerez De García Salinas

In July 2013, I visited the Mexican city of Zacatecas with my wife. While there, we took a day trip to the city of Jerez De García Salinas. ...

Making tortillas

San Juan Chamula and Zinacantan

  In April 2013, I visited Chiapas.  I had some spare time one day, and decided to take a tour to San Juan Chamula and Zinacantan. ...

Temple of the 5 stories, Edzna

A Trip to Edzna

In September 2012, I visited the Mexican state of Campeche. As a part of that trip, we took a tour to the Mayan ruin of Edzna. Edzna was ...

Street view, Campeche

Walking around Campeche

In September, 2012, I visited the city of Campeche. The city of Campeche is the capital of the state of Campeche, located on the southwest side of ...

Fuerte San Miguel

Fuerte San Miguel, Campeche

I visited Campeche in September, 2012, when I originally wrote this piece.... The approach to Fuerte San Miguel is through a walled, curved ...