Churches of Zacatecas
One of my favorite things to do when visiting cities and towns in Mexico is to visit churches. I love the older, colonial churches with their varied ...
Iglesia de Santo Domingo, Zacatecas
The Igelsia Santo Domingo is a beautiful church located in Zacatecas, Mexico. Constructed in just three years, from 1746-49, the church was ...
Museo Galería Virreinal de Guadalupe
During my July, 2013 trip to Zacatecas, I wanted to visit to the Museum of Guadalupe. The museum is in the municipality of Guadalupe, just ...
A Visit to the Panteón de Dolores in Jerez, Zacatecas
In July 2013, I visited the Mexican city of Zacatecas. While there, I took a day trip to the city of Jerez De García Salinas. Jerez is one of ...
Mina El Eden and a Ride on the Teleferico
In July, 2013, I visted the city of Zacatecas, Mexico, with my wife. Zacatecas has many things to draw tourists, including the opportunity to ...
A Daytrip to Jerez De García Salinas
In July 2013, I visited the Mexican city of Zacatecas with my wife. While there, we took a day trip to the city of Jerez De García Salinas. ...
San Juan Chamula and Zinacantan
In April 2013, I visited Chiapas. I had some spare time one day, and decided to take a tour to San Juan Chamula and Zinacantan. ...
A Trip to Edzna
In September 2012, I visited the Mexican state of Campeche. As a part of that trip, we took a tour to the Mayan ruin of Edzna. Edzna was ...
Walking around Campeche
In September, 2012, I visited the city of Campeche. The city of Campeche is the capital of the state of Campeche, located on the southwest side of ...
Fuerte San Miguel, Campeche
I visited Campeche in September, 2012, when I originally wrote this piece.... The approach to Fuerte San Miguel is through a walled, curved ...