Mid-century Mornings

I spent this past Christmas in Palm Springs. A normal Christmas is usually a trip to Mexico, but we decided to change things up in 2024 and visit a destination in the United States. We spent five nights in Palm Springs plus a night at Joshua Tree. My photographic goals for the trip revolved around capturing some of the iconic Mid-century architecture. Most of that work was shot on film, which I think gives an interesting aesthetic. Despite that, I planned to take some digital images as well.

We had a couple of mornings with beautiful sunrises. Because we traveled west across several time zones, I found myself waking up very early. So, I tried to get out and get some good sunrise photos.  One morning, I had some nice morning color, and I visited several areas full of mid-century homes.  Here are three sunrise photos:



Hopefully, I’ll be sharing more Palm Springs photos in future posts, including some of those I took on film.







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