France on Film: La Favorite

When visiting Paris in the summer of 2023, one of my photography goals was to get some nice film photos of Paris cafes.  One cafe that I really wanted to photograph was La Favorite, which has an incredible floral display attached to the front of the cafe.  There seems to be a recent trend in Paris to decorate cafes this way, and I visited over a dozen more with floral displays.  La Favorite, however, was certainly my favorite.

I ended up visiting on two different days, and unfortunately never got the strong light that I was hoping for.  Still, I’m happy with this photo which I took on my vintage Nikon FG with Kodak ColorPlus film:



I’ve resisted the temptation to over-saturate the colors on this photo.  Most of the photos I see of this cafe have the pinks pushed to an almost electric level.  Although film colors tend to be a bit more muted, I think this is a pretty accurate representation.



One comment on “France on Film: La Favorite”

  1. Brian says:

    No don’t change a thing. It’s beautiful enough without artificially upping the saturation.

    You captured it wonderfully!

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