Camogli Sunset

In April, I posted about a return to Camogli, a town I’ve enjoyed visiting along the Ligurian coast of Italy.  My first trip in 2016 was a daytrip from the Cinque Terre, and that second trip in April 2023 was just a quick stop to attempt a sunset photo.  That photo didn’t pan out.  This town has continued to hold an attraction for me, so I decided to return to Italy and spend a few days there.

I flew into Milan from New York, then hopped on a train to Genoa.  It was already nearly 6:00 p.m. when I arrived in Genoa, and I had been awake for over 30 hours, so I spent the night there.  The next day, I finished the trip with an hour-long train ride to Camogli.  I ended up staying four nights, using it as a base to visit other towns along the coast.  I had hoped to get a good sunset photo, as at this time of year the sun would set behind the Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta.

On my first night in town, I ventured out with my camera and tripod.  The presence of some high clouds led me to believe that we might get a good sunset.  It did not disappoint!  The best sunsets usually get better after the sun drops below the horizon, and this one was no exception.  It peaked about 30 minutes after the sun went down.



The following morning, I caught a very nice sunrise as well.  I spent the week along the coast visiting small towns, photographing churches, beaches, and more.  In addition to my normal digital camera, I also brought two film cameras, so I will be sharing some of those photos as well.




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