Sunrise at Pemaquid Point Light

During a summer trip to Maine, I was eager to visit Pemaquid Point Light.  Other than Portland Head Lighthouse, it’s perhaps one of the most well- known lighthouses along the Maine coast. In fact, it’s so popular that it ended up on the Maine quarter!  Pemaquid Point was constructed in the 1830s, and still uses its Fresnel lens which was installed in 1857.  It sits on a series of rock ledges that have striations in them which point toward the lighthouse.

We were not having the best weather and arrived at our hotel in Bristol Maine in a pouring rain.  I decided to skip a sunset photo, as the sun was hidden in the clouds.  I ended up waiting until the next morning to visit the light.  During June, the sun rises in this area before 5:00 a.m. and the sky begins to get light as early as 4:15. I woke up around 3:30 a.m. and left shortly thereafter, as I had a twenty-minute drive to get to the point.  Arriving in the dark, I made my way down to the ledges, and waited for the sunrise.

This particular morning, I was blessed with a beautiful sunrise.  As the sun got near the horizon, it lit up the clouds from below in pinks, oranges, and reds.  I used the leading lines from the ledges to draw attention to the lighthouse:


Pemaquid Point Light

It was during this trip that Maine became one of my favorite photography destinations.  I’ve been back three times since, and I can’t wait to return!





2 comments on “Sunrise at Pemaquid Point Light”

  1. I am a proud Maine native myself and live in Bath, Maine now. Amazing photo! If you’re ever driving through Bath get in touch. Would love to share a quick coffee!

    1. Peter says:

      Thank you!

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