Lubec Lupines

Two summers ago, I took my first trip to Maine.  We had been hoping to go to Europe, but things were still difficult with Covid lockdowns, so we decided to only travel within the United States.  Maine seemed like a place I’d like — water, nature, lighthouses, etc.  We flew into Bangor, then drove to Lubec.  While Lubec may not be the more popular places to visit in Maine, I was very excited to see it.  I wanted to see some of the town, photograph boats, and also visit the lighthouse at West Quoddy Head.

We traveled in mid-June and were lucky enough to arrive in Lubec while some of the local lupines were blooming.  As I walked through town, I found a very lovely stand of the flowers with some fishing shacks, plus the Mulholland Point Lighthouse (Canada) in the background:


Lubec Lupines


I recognized that this would be a wonderful sunrise scene, as the sun would rise near the lighthouse.  The next morning, I rose early and photographed the same scene.  Click here to view that photo.

I’ve returned to Maine three times since this trip and can’t wait to return.  I have yet to return to Lubec but would really like to go again.





One comment on “Lubec Lupines”

  1. Carole Morthland says:

    Lubec, ME is my hometown and you’ve captured it beautifully here. Hope you get to visit again soon!

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