Another Church and Volcano Photo

When I was in Cholula in January 2020 getting photos of the full moon, I also took some photos of the Iglesa de los Remedios with the volcano Popocatepetl.  As the moon photos were in the evening, these needed to be in the morning.

My favorite place to take this photo was a bridge over the highway, but a fast-growing tree has grown into the view — it wasn’t there a few years ago!  I scouted a few other places and settled on one in an empty lot near an apartment building.  The church wasn’t lined up right in the middle of the volcano like I prefer, but it’s still a nice view.

Igelsia de los Remedios and Popocatepetl

Igelsia de los Remedios and Popocatepetl

I really like the blue hour for photos like this, as the pre-dawn light is very soft and the church still has its lights on.  This church has added a radio antenna of some sort in the middle of the towers in the last year or so.

Photos like this benefit from being taken at a distance, using a long focal length to compress the subject.  The compression pulls the background closer, making it feel like the subjects are much closer than they are.  This photo was taken at 300mm.

I enjoyed the really clear skies in January, so that might be a good choice for a return trip.



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