Guanajuato’s Tunnels at Dawn

When I was in Guanajuato last fall I saw a few postcards that showed a view of one of the tunnels under the city with some buildings hanging over the edge.  I asked a few people where this location was, and quickly found it.  The tunnels under Guanajuato were originally created to help with flooding, so that the river could flow through them under the city.  Over time, the water table has dropped and the tunnels are now dry and used instead for traffic.  This has the pleasant effect of reducing traffic in the center of the city as the cars zoom through the tunnels under your feet.

After locating this particular tunnel entrance, I figured it would look pretty cool in the early morning with some light trails from cars going by.  So I stationed myself in the correct place before sunrise, and waited for cars to go by.  I think the photo turned out pretty well, I might have liked it a little better if some of the windows of the homes had some lights on, but I guess it was too early.

Tunnels at dawn, Guanjuato

4 comments on “Guanajuato’s Tunnels at Dawn”

  1. Di- says:

    Peter, I have a trip scheduled for July 12, 2018 to San Miguel de Allende for four days (landing in Leon 6:30pm ). I am excited for the trip, but have been reading and hearing from Mexican friends/co-workers here in the US, that it is not safe to be on the roads driving ( even in a hotel shuttle, airport shuttle, etc) at night…? Should stay overnight in Leon and then catch a shuttle to drive the 90 min-2 hrs to the hotel in SMA the next day in the morning…

    Is it true that it is a little risky to be on the roads in Guanajuato in the evening? Do you know if the police really stop the car you are driving in to issue a ticket of some sort but will end up requiring the occupants to give them money?

    (I am 52 yrs old, female, speak very little Spanish, (only Medical Spanish)

    (Am almost considering cancelling the trip)

    I think the last time you were in Guanajuato was Fall 2017…If you have any input would greatly appreciate it

    1. Peter says:

      I have traveled to this area often, and I have arrived well after dark and taken taxis from Leon/BJX to Guanajuato. I would do again without thinking too much about it. Sunset isn’t until 8:30 p.m. on that day, so you could be very close to your destination before dark. If you’re uncomfortable with a taxi, you could check with BajioGo, they do shuttles from Leon/BJX to San Miguel every day. They wait for your flight and they know San Miguel very well. Obviously, safety is a personal decision, this is one that wouldn’t bother me, but you should do what you think is best.

  2. Alma says:

    Can you tell me where this location is? It’s beautiful

    1. Peter says:

      Hi, I believe the entrance to this tunnel is at the corner of Plaza de Los Angeles in the center of Guanajuato.

      This link should show the same view but also where it is on a Google map:

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